The Stanbra Home Team invites Palm Beach County residents to support our veterans this November 11 and every day.

Nicole Stanbra, Veteran and Stanbra Home Team Founder
Each November 11th we see patriotic social media posts, streets lined with American flags, and businesses offering free meals for Veterans Day. For many, these actions symbolize their patriotism and support for our nation’s heroes. While these gestures are appreciated by most Veterans, sometimes to true meaning of Veterans Day can be lost. The extent of the sacrifices made by those who have served is often understated. As a decorated Combat Veteran, Nicole Stanbra takes pride in her service, but more than that, she encourages everyone in the Palm Beach County area to offer support to Veterans. Not only on November 11th, but year-round. Here are some ways you can help!
Donate to Veterans’ Causes
When we think of the word “donate” we immediately consider a monetary donation. Donating to veterans’ causes could mean donating money, but you could also donate time or other resources. You could seek local volunteer opportunities and make a difference in the lives of veterans just as easily as you could hit a PayPal “donate” button. You can hire a veteran-owned company, or frequent a veteran-owned brick and mortar establishment. You can donate your frequent flyer miles to veterans, who cannot afford to travel to see family. You could offer your professional expertise at no cost to a veteran or active service military member. If you have time, money, or other resources to give, the return on your investment will be much greater than you might expect. You could impact or even save the life of a veteran. One cause that is close to Nicole’s heart is Operation 120.
Also see > Wounded Veterans Relief Fund
The Meaning of Veterans Day
Originally known as Armistice Day, commemorating the end of World War I, Veterans Day got an official name change in 1954. Veterans Day is now a federal holiday honoring all who have served, in war and peace. While Veterans Day honors veterans, who have passed, it is more about honoring our living veterans. We hope that this Veterans Day, you will be inspired to give in some small way. We hope that you will be inspired to continue giving all year long.
Honor all veterans this November 11, and beyond
Why November 11?
A truce went into effect between the Allied Forces and Germany on November 11, 1918, at 11:00 A.M. – the eleventh day of the eleventh month on the eleventh hour.
Palm Beach County Veterans Day Celebrations
Many community holiday events have been canceled this year. As of the time of this writing, the Veterans Day parade in West Palm Beach is still scheduled. To help veterans and their families participate in multiple events, they host their parade on the Sunday before Veterans Day. This year, the parade will be on Sunday, November 8, at 2:00 P.M. The parade route will be Clematis Street, beginning at Rosemary Avenue and ending at Narcissus Avenue.
Get the latest parade updates here > Veterans Day Parade in Palm Beach County
Purchase your Florida home with a VA loan with Nicole Stanbra, Army Combat Veteran and Jupiter Florida REALTOR®
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